martes, 18 de marzo de 2014

Why you shouldn't mine Scrypt?

Today many coins are based on the Scrypt algorithm for their block finding process. But, why many people says it's not good?

Scrypt is a big algorithm because it was made for one thing: have a good difficulty to earn a reward.

So knowing some basics of this.... why is it bad?
If it's difficult, CPU, GPU or ASICS need to make a lot of hashes to get at least a good quantity of khash per second. So it means your hardware can get damaged as it tries to get the same hash rate as SHA which is more light to generate.

That means basicly that you need to use SHA256//Keccak's based coins if you want to keep your GPU usable. Example of coins that uses SHA:

-SlothCoin (SHA3 aka Keccak)
-Bitcoin (SHA256)
-RainbowCoin (SHA256)
-DEM (SHA256)
-TigerCoin (SHA256)
-WeAreSatoshi (SHA256)

Conclusion: Mine SHA

Enjoy mining SHA!

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