sábado, 22 de marzo de 2014

42coin value is actually 1000BTC (more or less 562.400$ each!)

It's not a joke! Extremely rare and valuable coin has appeared! Just 42 coins to be mined but they're very difficult to mine. Just the best computers can solve that!

If you discover one of this you can say: "I'm rich" :P. All of those coins (when they get mined) are 23.620.800 $. Wow.
The bad part of mine this is the high difficulty. There aren't any living faucet as they all got dried when it got that price.

Is it profitable? The answer will be NO even if you have a great computer. You will need at least a server or a really powerful computer.

So sad we can't mine it (we can but it's like saying impossible).

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