With big coins, the small amounts need to pay fees. To avoid fees they keep some of your amount into temporal wallets online and when they reach some quantity (with Bitcoins is more or less 0.00005500 BTC) they send you the currency.
And why do the people give free money? Faucet's owners cover the costs with ads. Many people come to earn free BTC, LTC, DOGE, ...
Faucets are a good way to let people use crypto-currencies. So please don't abuse them!
There are different types of faucets. Some faucets give you free coins just clicking a button. Other faucets give you coins viewing ads or playing the "ROLL Game".
There are hundreds of them. Just search in this blog for your favourite crypto-currency and you will see some faucets. Or in Google put "AnyCoin Faucet".
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